Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear Hermione

The letter which Hermione hasn't opened yet.

Dear Hermione,

I was looking at a few pictures of Harry. I don’t know what’s worse, being a little girl worrying about whether or not he’ll ever like me or being a grown up girl knowing he DOES like me and is trying to protect me by being away. I know you and he and Ron aren’t going back to Hogwarts.

I was looking at some picture from our first few years at Hogwarts. We were all so little then. Harry was rather cute. Everything seems so petty now. Even the basilisk seems minor compared to…well, whatever is going to pull you away from school has got to be pretty bad, and Ron’s been doing all kinds of strange things. You-Know-Who in a diary was bad enough. Now he’s the flesh.

With Dumbledore dead and you and Harry gone, and all my brothers gone, it’s going to be so strange at Hogwarts. I’ve already got my things, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to going. Everything is getting heavier. Everyone is acting different, and there’s the Order and all.

Well, I am looking forward to playing Quidditch again. That’s enough, perhaps.

I hope you’re doing well. I can’t wait until you come to the Burrow. Preparations for Bill and Fleur’s wedding are making the whole place wild. I savor my time alone.



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