Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dear Ginny, July 9

Dearest Ginny,

I'm wondering what we are going to do next year without the DA Meetings.
I think I'll miss it a bit. I think DA Meetings felt like spending time with friends.

I know that you've liked Harry for just about forever, and I have a question for you. When you know that Harry has important things to do and can't be with you, how do you keep it together? I'm sorry if I'm prying too much. You don't have to tell me.

I'm just wondering because, well, would you like to have tea sometime? It may be easier to talk to you about this over tea and pudding and scones. I've never talked about this sort of thing before. I've never had this problem before. I'm suspecting that Wrackspurts may have burrowed into my mattress. I think I'll beat it out tomorrow.

Did I tell you that I saw a Dementor on Stoatshead Hill a couple nights ago? I didn't have my wand with me and I've felt all out of sorts ever since. I've been having rather unpleasant dreams ever since.

I also am starting to suspect that I may have encountered a creature I've never heard of before. One that makes it hard to sleep and eat. This morning I didn't even feel like having any pudding.

Perhaps I'm overreacting.

Have you been playing much Quidditch this Summer? I suspect Harry will be coming to the Burrow soon, for Bill and Fleur's wedding. I'm rather looking forward to the wedding as well. I've started planning my outfit. Do you think a Sunflower would be festive? If you need a break from all the wedding plans, feel free to sneak over here anytime. Daddy is starting a fascinating new project, and I'm sure he'd be pleased if you wanted to help us.

Speaking of which, I'm going to go help him now. I hope you're doing well and that I'll see you soon! I'll send Ellowyet over with a fresh Dirgible Plum Tart for you.



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