Dear Luna,
Sorry I haven't written to you sooner. I wrote a coded letter to Harry first and it took a while. He didn't get it because Dudley threw a rock at Horatio. Hermione was surprised that Harry and I invented a code without her help. Psh.
Anyway, here is the letter I wrote before:
Once the bug issue had cleared up, Lupin and Tonks' wedding was beautiful. Small, quick, here and gone in an instant, but it was a good thing to see in the midst of all this trouble. It was a bit makeshift, especially because the preparations for Bill and Fleur's wedding are still making our house crazy, but at least we had some decorations up already, and that was a nice touch. Kinglsey and Mad-Eye and Tonks' parents and Bill and Fleur and Hermione were here. I wish Harry could have come. But anyway, as we were getting ready for the actual ceremony, Tonks was so excited her hair kept switching between pink and lavender and her eyes even changed color a couple times.
I snuck out and watched Lupin for a bit while we got the last things in place. I've never seen him look so happy, though he also looked rather nervous. I don't blame him. But when the time finally came for the ceremony, all the nervousness melted away and he looked years younger and sharper than I've ever seen him. He and Tonks couldn't keep their eyes off each other the whole time. When they kissed, everyone cheered and I thought my heart would burst with everything--them so happy, Bill and Fleur about to get married, Hermione and Ron and Harry going off somewhere or other. Dumbledore. This bright light in the midst of the darkest months in my lifetime.
We had a nice dinner reception, lots of pumpkin juice and butterbeer and firewhisky and food galore. Then we let them go and Tonks and Lupin disapparated in a hurry and we cleaned up.
They had a very short honeymoon. They came back to visit three days later. Tonks looked beyond overjoyed but I thought Lupin looked worried. I expect its everything going on. Something with the Order. Or it could just be he's worried about the full moon now that he's married. It's not for another week and a half. Poor Professor Lupin. I think it's good he's married to Tonks. He needs someone to take care of him now and then. I mean, if he's on his own, he'll just wake up in the morning somewhere completely random, possibly hurt, with nothing about him. Maybe not even his wand. I don't know what he does. It'll be good to have Tonks to look after him. Hopefully she can get wolfsbane for him and everything will be okay, even if he is still ill.
Well, I hope you are doing well. I am going to go flying soon. Perhaps I will fly by your house and say hello. Don't tell my mother.
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