Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Book Review: The Man in the Brown Suit

The first Agatha Christie book I've ever read, The Man in the Brown Suit, has a lot going for it. I like the twists and changes in the characters and I liked the young heroine. I have not read any other Agatha Christie books with a young heroine yet. She was smart, precocious, romantic, and adventurous. Overall, the book felt as much like an adventure novel as it did a mystery novel, but the mystery was distinct and satisfying. This novel showed a mastery of detail research--I was completely convinced that Ann Beddingfeld was the daughter of a professor obsessed with prehistoric men. It was quite fun and I loved the romance. Of the Agatha Christie books I've read this summer, The Man in the Brown Suit is certainly the most romantic.

Five Stars
* * * * *


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