Ahhh, so wonderful. I never knew the Ashland Festival existed before this experience. And I declare to everyone: You must go this summer! Find a way! Hamlet and Henry the Fourth, Part 1 must be seen. The other plays that are preformed are also very good, but Hamlet and Hal are the best.
We were spoiled rotten. Our group meet the leads from every Shakespeare show: Miriam (Countess Olivia, Twelfth Night), John (Prince Hal, Henry the Fourth), Anthony (Shylock, Merchant of Venice), and Dan (Hamlet, Hamlet). We got to hear from each of them about their preparations for their parts, their experience, philosophies about theater, and so much more. John told us about a young woman who once had to do a 7 second quick change in the dark in very small space, and took us on a tour of the theaters. We met with a leading costume designer for Hamlet, and oh my word, all the intense preparation that goes into the production.--ahh, Savers we love you well.
The Elizabethan theater is in the open air, and we got rained on at least twice. Almost didn't get to see the duel between Hal and Hotspur, but they fought wonderfully. John told us that both he and the other actor are sporting great bruises from that night. The Angus Bowman theater was built in the 70s and the stage is incredible. Anything a director wants to happen on that stage can be done. The flooring is able to be manipulated in so many ways, it's ridiculous! Each play has its own amazing and completely unique set. John told us that often the crew only has two to three hours to do a complete change over from one play to another. It only takes two-three hours for Hal's England to be transformed to Shylock's Venice--good grief!
This experience has only wetted my appetite for more. I want to go back and watch, and help, and perform. I don't know exactly why I should be one to have such an incredible time. I know that it was only through completely undeserved grace. If I've learned anything, I think that I've learned my age. I'm not too old, and I shouldn't stop trying.
Besides "unbaited and envenomed cabbages," here are some more epic quotes from Dan Donahue...
On playing Scar on Broadway's "The Lion King": "I scare children for a living."
When a Jr. Higher yells at him during the "Hamlet" prologue, "Hey, mystery man! What's your mystery?" : "You're 13. Three and a half hours is a long time for you. I'm an old man. Three and a half hours is nothing for me. I'm gonna make you feel every second of those three and a half hours."
hahahaha I love that Jr. Higher conversation. lol
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